The bushes came out a while ago and the plan was to build a rounded planter for the palm, running the grass over to the fence. We decided to move the palm instead.
After a whole lot of shoveling, a little swearing, and a lot of wiggling it came out of the ground.
A really good yank (you can see the skid-marks in the street, we needed new tires anyways) and the tree was in front of the retaining wall.
Unfortunately the root ball landed about two feet closer to the sidewalk than the hole we had dug to receive it. The guys on the street converged to figure out how to slide a tree towards the fence. (Have I ever mentioned that I love this neighborhood?)
Thanks to a lot of muscle, it made it in the hole.
Now we just have to hope the poor thing survives the transplant.
Next up - the fate of the trees.