Our upcoming trip to Disneyland introduced one of the complications of pet ownership: what to do with the dog while out of town?
Stevo's usual solution to any problem: build something!

Steve designed and built a lovely dog house complete with stairs so Bingo can reach the sunning patio on top. He has apparently remembered that he's house broken and hasn't "gone" in the house for a couple of weeks (Bingo, not Stevo) so we'll leave him in the side yard with his house during the day and probably have the neighbors unlock the dog door so he can come in at night.

This project brought to light one of our many differences in parenting styles: I told Lorelai she couldn't be much help making dinner because I was doing stir-fry and all that needed to be done was cutting up veggies and I wasn't really comfortable with her and sharp knives yet so she went outside and Stevo taught her how to use a nail gun.