We took the kids to Tahoe for Christmas Eve and morning this year. They went up with my mom over the weekend before Christmas and I followed a few days later. They got to see a couple storms which was cool, snow falling is always magical.

By the time I got there the storms had past and we had beautiful sunshine on the new snow.

There was one present in particular that Spence was itching to open for days and the excitement was tangible.

The greatest invention ever - a doll house for boys. Its a fire station and police station complete with vehicles, dogs, people and furniture. It even has a toilet.

Spence had to have the fire captain hat to go along. It must be worn to protect one's head while playing Leapster.

Snow Dog.

Every time I drive into the Tahoe basin I think I should play tourist and pull over to take a picture of the amazing view. This year I went ahead and did it.