I had declared that the kids were in charge of dinner both nights as a project for them, and because I hate deciding what to eat. I hate it so much that sometimes I forgo the decision process entirely and just don't bother eating. Not a smart habit to instill in one's children. Anyways, Lorelai chose Saturday night and Spencer got Sunday. They got to pick anything they wanted but there was a catch: they had to cook!
Lorelai went safe and chose pizza. Trader Joe's pizza dough and sauce and some cheese and voila! dinner.
Spence tried to play it safe and chose mac and cheese. I said that was fine but he was going to learn how to make real macaroni and cheese, not the blue box. We found a recipe online, went to the store for ingredients and with a little help measuring from me, he made dinner.

The result looked yummy:

The proud moment for me was that they were both troopers and made a valiant effort to actually eat the resulting product.
Moral of the story: when you want mac and cheese just make the Kraft. Face it, its what you really want.