Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hairy Houdini

So the dog has turned out to have a personality, and it sucks. Ok, not really. Just a little. He is an escape artist extraordinaire. He can unlock cat doors, remove duct tape with his teeth and then unlock cat doors, and dig under fences. We've had him 3 days and he's escaped 4 times- not counting the 2 times he escaped from the neighbor's house after he'd escaped from ours. No wonder he was at the shelter as a stray. When we're home and he's inside he is wonderful- calm, cuddly and great with the kids. If we leave the house, he'll be gone when we get back. This could be a problem.

In addition, he has yet to "potty" (as the shelter's free training DVD refers to waste elimination) outside. This morning Steve took him outside and he stood there on the leash staring at Steve for 10 minutes doing nothing. He indicated he was bored and wanted to come back in so they came back in and within 2 minutes he had peed on the carpet. (The dog, not Stevo).

On the other hand - how cute is this? Can't get Spencer to read to me but he'll read to Bingo (Dingo? Deeno? Leo? Fred?)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

And Bingo Was His Name-oh

We went to the Santa Barbara County animal shelter today just to see who was in residence. No plans, no expectations.

Meet Bingo.

He is a 2-year-old Cairn terrier and the mellowest dog on earth. He was in a room with a bunch of big dogs who were all barking and jumping and being generally obnoxious. He was sitting calmly and sniffing our hands and basically saying "dude, can you believe the crap I put up with here?" in the midst of the chaos.

He was a stray and had obviously been in pretty nasty shape when he arrived at the shelter. He was filthy and had gotten a haircut that consisted of cutting off the nappy spots. As a result he only has one eyebrow and a weird long strand hanging from his tail. We brought him home, took a quick walk and met some neighbors, and gave him a bath. He promptly curled up on the couch and crashed out for a nap.

We've been through several name options including Perry, Mrs. Chanandler Bong, and Smudgie. He was named Bingo by the shelter and it will probably stick.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Spencer + Sugar = Boogie!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


This is Clyde.
He's an octopus.
Fellow knitters -the gauntlet has been thrown!
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